No free lunches

March 05, 2013

I had been taking some new supplements, zinc and magnesium about 30 minutes before bedtime every night for a couple weeks.

The idea behind this is that is helps you get into a deeper sleep and aids with testosterone production. According to some research testosterone is produced at night and early morning and is actually responsible for the phenomenon called "Morning wood".

I had been diligent in my workout regiment while doing this, going every other day to the gym in order to take full advantage of any testosterone increases.

Well, the experiment was a success. I was feeling strong, and my libido was through the roof, I felt like I was in high school again. It was so high in fact I decided to stop taking the supplements because it was becoming difficult to focus on anything.

The good news for anyone who wants a testosterone boost is the zinc magnesium combo before bed definitely works, but be careful about over doing it. I figured it had something to do with zinc or magnesium as that was the biggest change in my life recently. Well after a little research I learned too much zinc can cause you to become iron deficient which explained everything. I took an iron supplement and within 24 hours things started going back to normal. The good news for anyone who wants a testosterone boost is the zinc magnesium combo before bed definitely works, but be careful about over doing it.

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