Learn how to write app for Android

February 08, 2011

I have decided to learn how to write apps for Android. The knowledge I am coming into this project with is web development. I know PHP, Perl, Coldfusion, JavaScript, CSS, HTML. From what I can gather the programming language for Android is java, which I do not know, so this will also include me learning a new language.

Day 1: First step search "How to program android app".

Found: http://developer.android.com/index.html Downloaded The Android SDK.

Tried running it apparently I don't have Java installed, so ran: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

I found http://onthefencedevelopment.com/?p=455 which is a great tutorial and saved me a lot of time figuring out details. Now that I have Eclipse installed, I tried to start a project but it seems I need to learn Java to do this as it's asking for things I don't understand yet, like Package name and Activity class.

Found: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html

If you want to avoid some reading and get straight to writing a Hello World application go to: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html (Note than when I first ran the Hello World program I thought it didn't work, but you got to let the thing run for a few minutes before the program actually runs.

After finishing the Hello World app, I've jumped straight to the Notepad Exercise: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/notepad/notepad-ex1.html

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