Quick Camera/Phone Stand

June 26, 2021

I got the new Galaxy SIII phone a few weeks ago. It is good. Especially the video camera feature. Like many fathers I wanted to video tape my 3 year old and 9 month old playing but I wanted to be in it as well. My 3 year old's camera skills were not up to my standards so I found a way to prop the camera up against a tea cup, but I figured there has to be an easier way.

I decided to make a stand to hold the camera up for steady video recording. This is a very no frills solution but it gets the job done. I just cut a section of a 2x4 and made two spaces with a table saw.

Phone Stand

Phone Stand

Phone Stand

Phone Stand

Phone Stand

The first slot should be just a bit more than your phone's width and the second enough to tilt it about 45 degrees forward or backward depending on where you need to place the stand. It takes about 1 minutes to complete. Gluing some felt to the bottom of the slots might be desirable but not necessary. Now I don't have the problem of never being in any of my chidlren's videos because I am the one taking them.

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