Updating the process of law making

May 30, 2023

I feel like a complete overhaul of the legal system is way past due. Now with the new technologies we have, the process can be streamlined, and improved in efficacy.  

One day we'll be moving to moons and planets, setting up new communities, and civilizations.  Just like Europeans came to America and were able to start with a completely fresh constitution and create a country that was arguably better legally structured than what came before it, space exploration will present us the opportunity to improve again.

Now that our technology has improved beyond pen and paper, we can create a new constitution electronically.  Whether it be blockchain or just a server somewhere with backups, it can be dynamic and updated quickly by voting, laws can be changed at a much more rapid pace as technology creates a need to update.  We could also have expiration dates on laws, or renewal dates where they must be re-approved by a vote.  In Arizona you can't have a donkey sleeping in your bathtub after 7 p.m.  A law passed in 1924 because of one particular set of circumstances which would never likely happen again.  When the renewal for that law came up again, it would be left to expire, helping to eliminate the bloat of archaic old laws that need not exist. 

There would probably be a need for some general principle laws which never expire, freedom of speech, do not kill, etc.  

New laws would have to go through a hypothesis period, like any scientific theory.  When a law is proposed there must be a reason for the law, and the desired outcome of the law, and a date by which some progress must be shown that the law is working as expected.   The war on drugs for example, for many years as spending increased on the DEA, drug use also increased.  If you create a law to ban a narcotic, the goal should be to have less people addicted to the drug, less violence related to drug abuse, and perhaps less people on the streets as a result of drug use.  If after one or two years of banning a drug and punishing drug addicts or people purchasing drugs that aren't addicts with jail time, you see the drug use, crime, and homelessness still increasing, you can see that this law hasn't had the desired effect and will expire after the trial period.  When laws are shown not to achieve their goal, a different law can be put into effect, perhaps focusing on regulation, or education, that can be tested, and perhaps in certain circumstance we learn a law simply does more harm than good. Our legal system would be more and more refined always striving for the best possible society.

Another important restriction would be to keep laws focused on one specific thing. More and more these days you hear about a bill that is trying to get past that keeps getting more and more regulations or laws tacked onto it that don't even have anything to do with the original law. "According to the Senate Historical Office, at 5,593 pages, the legislation is the longest bill ever passed by Congress. An act making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, providing coronavirus emergency response and relief, and for other purposes." - Wikipedia.  Surely there are parts of this bill that people would agree with and parts that people won't. If you can't break it down enough so that it's just one concept that can either be approved or disapproved by people, then it shouldn't be allowed. We will probably need some committee that has a role to enforce that bills with multiple concepts in them do not get submitted for vote.

Finally, using blockchain ask currency along with assigning property would allow smart contracts which already exist Computer code can be set up so that when a certain amount is transferred over 2 a wallet call mom the owner of a property can automatically change to the depositor If you can program it, you can make it a contract however complex. Things like music royalties, residuals from television shows, dividends corporations and the percentage of ownership and voting rights all could be incorporated into smart contracts eliminating the need for a lot of lawyers debating over things The code would do what the code does and that would be the end of it.

It would be very difficult to convert everything the way it is now into this kind of system which is why I referred earlier to the idea of space exploration creating new societies that would be able to start with these concepts from the beginning. Give me also be the case that revolution where the government is overthrown could be replaced with a new electric constitution that allows for this kind of thing. Otherwise it would be very difficult to take laws that already exist and put them into this contract, especially because of all the archaic laws that are already there and have been there for hundreds of years in some cases. Perhaps a system could be created where every new law gets voted on again whether to get back into the system and we could use the best laws that we have and abstain from reading the ones that don't make sense anymore. Especially when new technology would allow a better version of it.

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