Put effort into relaxation.

August 27, 2017

I was walking around a lake by my house like I do twice a week. 

I walked past an old man. 

I noticed him because he had a music playing on speakers.  It was a classical peice I wasn't familiar with.  I looked over and saw he was reading a book, wearing sunglasses and a had to keep out the sun, sitting on a park bench. 

It semeed to me that was a fine way to spend an afternoon.  What really got me thinking though was the effort he put into having a good time reading a book.  I felt like I learned something important seeing him.  He put a lot of effort before hand into relaxing.  When I read I usually just pick up and book and sit in my computer chair or lay on my bed.  He was definiately enjoying reading more than I was. 

All he did was take an exta few minutes to get a good hat, a good song ready and probably a quick drive or walk to the park.  I work a lot, and when I have free time I am generally so happy to have it I don't think much what I'm going to do with it.  How much better could all the things I do be if I just put a little bit of thought into making them great experiences. 

I thought instead of just meditating in the morning, right before I could light some insense and put some nature sounds on.  Instead of reading a book I can go to a coffee shop and read. 

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